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Does smoking weed make you lose weight - does consume remove make you lose weight

31-01-2017 à 13:49:48
Does smoking weed make you lose weight
The more you smoke, the less you eat. I must say however, that I too have noticed certain cases where my friends have lost weight, it could be unrelated or related to pot, but no test suggests that pot helps you lose weight. Various health organizations are now releasing studies and some say that it is possible that weed could make you lose weight. If you ignore this you will find yourself very tired, lazy and sometime to the point of being malnourished. In fact, the rise of medical marijuana in the United States makes it clear that there are good reasons for some people to turn to weed for medicinal purposes, especially those who are suffering the effects of cancer and chemotherapy, or patients who need something to help improve their appetite. The study found that 22% of Americans who did not use weed were obese, compared with 14% of those who did smoke it. Whether smoking weed can help lose weight still lack firm and conclusive evidence and opinions on this issue is still divided. Ironically, smoking weed makes you hungrier, but it seems that there are chemicals in the weed that prevent you from gaining weight even if you are eating more. This journal tackled the question: does weed make you lose weight. This study went further with the link between lower diabetes rates and smoking weed. Are there any other side effects of smoking weed. But it is important to remember that these studies were not controlled, so there could be other factors at play for those who were losing weight while smoking cannabis. Fasting insulin levels of those who use the herb on a regular basis were 16% lower than that of those who do not, and that could be linked to the lesser risk of diabetes later in life. You will most likely lose weight when smoking pot regularly. This in affect will slow down your metabolism after a usually long period of time due to very bad eating habits. Marijuana also seemed to boost good cholesterol levels and kept users slimmer.

One of the theories is that those who smoke marijuana have a higher metabolism than those who do not, leading their bodies to burn more calories. This is because you will only ever be hungry when your hi. I have since stopped smoking on a daily and hourly basis and have put on nearly 20 kg. So far, it really seems like it depends on your metabolism. :O. :-). Pot smokers are actually more likely to gain weight with avid use. I know from my personal experience that smoking marijuana for over 10 years made me lose weight. So does smoking weed make you lose weight. Keep up exercise and healthy eating habits and you will find pot allot more enjoyable and minimise negative affects on your mental and physical health. You have probably heard that smoking weed is bad for you and that you should never do it. But does smoking weed make you lose weight. The Study of The American Journal of Epidemiology. This means that even if they eat more, they are gaining less. Maybe we should all ask a doctor for a more legitimate answer. Even when the rates were adjusted for other factors, such as sex, age and tobacco use, the results remained the same.

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